6/2/2017 0 Comments Zodiac MandalaToday's mandala is another Zodiac mandala created around a Metatron's Cube. From the cube, I have again pulled the Star Tetrahedon, one of the five Platonic solids. It feels to be a shape I am very drawn to at the moment. So let me tell you a little of the meaning behind this shape.
Working within Metatron's Cube, we find that it contains not one tetrahedron but two, one within the other, each an exact reflection of the other. These two tetrahedrons are known as the star tetrahedron also known as the 'Merkaba', the ancient Egyptian vehicle of light. This shape represents the innermost law of the physical world: the inseparable relationship between the two complementary halves – the positive and negative. The manifest and the unmanifest; look around you. Everything that you see was once merely an idea in somebody's head, their spirit and will power brought it into being in the physical material world. This shape also embodies the masculine and the feminine aspects which form a perfect equilibrium. In creation these two overlapping shapes rule as two opposite laws: the law of spirit and the law of matter. The Star Tetrahedron models the energetic body of the human being, the blending of Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, and was known in the esoteric knowledge of Ancient Egypt as the ‘Mer-Ka-Ba’.
He/she is the connecting link between the world of the spirit and that of matter. We are able to live at one and the same time by the laws of both worlds. By meditating upon the shape of the Merkaba/Star Tetrahedron, or by visualising ourselves held within the rotating shape during closed eye meditation, we can amplify the connection between both worlds. Some of you may already do this, and for others this may be a completely new concept! The Merkaba enables us to experience expanded awareness, connects us with elevated potentials of consciousness, and restores access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our innate being. When the Merkaba meditation is performed correctly, the Merkaba seamlessly integrates our feminine (intuitive, receptive) and masculine (active, dynamic) aspects of mind and spirit. The world at present appears unbalanced and in turmoil, and it is only by achieving inner balance that we can begin to reflect and manifest that balance into the outer world.
Patricia Fitzgerald
Mandala Artist and Healer based in Dublin, Ireland. www.healingcreations.ie Archives
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