Session Four: The Lotus Rising - Overcoming Obstacles
Meditation Practice
"“You know why Antoinette will persevere, just as you and I will?"
"Why?" she asks, searching my eyes.
"Because she's a lotus, and so are we."
"A lotus?"
I smile to myself, recalling the story Papa told me as a girl. "The flower. Have you seen one?"
"They're gorgeous," I say. "But my point isn't about their beauty. Lotus flowers lead harrowing journeys. Their seeds sprout in murky swamp water, thick with dirt and debris and snarls of roots. For a lotus to bloom, she must forge her way through this terrible darkness, avoid being eaten by fish and insects, and keep pressing onward, innately knowing, or at least hoping, that there is sunlight somewhere above the water's surface, if she can only summon the strength to get there. And when she does, she emerges unscathed by her journey and blooms triumphantly." I place both of my hands on her shoulders. "Suzette, you are a lotus.”
― Sarah Jio, All the Flowers in Paris
I hope you are all keeping well and healthy. Welcome to the fourth session of Path to Centre. I hope that you found the first three sessions to be of help and that you feel lighter after them. You can return to those practices any time you feel to and when you need those particular tools to help you through. Remember, by doing this work, you not only help yourself, but you help others around you.
Above you will find a meditation on overcoming obstacles based on this piece that I created called "Ascension of the Lotus" At the end of the page, is a meditation made for our group to connect over space and time, joining together our heart energy. I hope that you find them both healing and connecting.
It's been lovely to witness you sharing, connecting and supporting each other on our private Facebook group. It warms my heart! If you haven't already joined the group, you can do so by clicking the button at the end of this page.
A Recap on Materials
The materials you will need for these sessions are probably lying around your home. Please don't venture out specifically to get materials! You might pick some up during your next necessary grocery shop. You can use markers or gel pens. If you don't have those, you can use pencils, even biros! Even if you only have one coloured biro, use that and play with the tones, with the dark and light to complete the mandala.
How the sessions work
Print out the Mandala as an A4 page and if you have a printer that can print it out as A3, all the better. If you can already draw mandalas, draw one from scratch for yourself, using this session as your prompt. If you aren't familiar with how to create a personal mandala, then please use the colouring PDF provided below.
Set your Sacred Space
Set up a sacred and quiet space for yourself where you will engage with the mandala. You can do this simply by lighting a candle or burning some incense. Perhaps gather crystals or objects from nature that have meaning for you. But please do set aside a special space and time with intention to do this work. Treat this time for yourself as a loving inward time dedicated solely to you.
Session Four:
The Lotus Rising: Overcoming Obstacles
When I create or look at mandalas, they have taught and continue to teach me so much. They help me overcome the struggles and strains of everyday life and provide a deeper look into what is going on. How I might rise above a particular struggle? I have also come to better understand which of my struggles were real and which were perceived struggles; excuses that I used to stop me from doing something that I was in fact, for various reasons, both known and unknown (subsconscious), unwilling or scared to do.
Whilst creating the mandala above, there was a strong feeling of moving in very close and out very far. Some parts remind me of outer space, the universe afar. And then other parts took me deep into the microscopic world. As though looking at plants or cells under a microscope. There was an overwhelming sense of all of things being intricately and fundamentally connected. An understanding that the energy of both the microcosm and the macrocosm is in fact one. The energy of looking deeply within the self and the energy of looking from above at the overall macro situation.
The central piece of the mandala is reminiscent of a Lotus flower blooming. One of the most interesting symbolic aspects of this plant is how it comes to life. Typically the lotus (often known as the water lily) is born from deep murk and mire. From the darkest mucky muddy waters, this brilliant blossom emerges, as the quote above so beautifully puts it. It is the metaphor for life as we know it. My own journey began in the murky depths of a divorce and life throwing a particularly sharp curve-ball which left me reeling. But moving through that muddy situation gave me so much, it allowed me to grow and to further move into my personal truth. And now, here we are together in a collective murky depth that has thrown may of us a curve ball.
Things happen in all of our lives, both good a bad. We often struggle when a perceived bad thing happens. It is what we make of that situation that counts. We have two choices. We can crawl under our misery, never lifting our heads to the light that beckons us. That is option one. Or there is option two; we can be like the lotus. We can make the best of a bad situation and work through it, rise above and grow through it. Lotus flower meanings are all about aspiring to express, to live, to share beauty. To move through the darkness and murk and out into the light. Are you willing?
The Practice
In this mandala practice, I'd like you to take a deep look at what this current situation means to you in terms of an obstacle in your life? What do you think it is stopping you from doing, creating, being? Write out a list of all the things you believe it to be stopping you from doing or being.
Now, with honesty, go back through that list take a look at the reality of that. Is it true for everything you have written that you are being blocked by this current external situation?
Yes, it might be stopping you doing certain immediate external things for sure, but look more deeply at your list. For example, you have been wanting to, up more in your business....or create beautiful art work...or work on nourishing a particular relationship or friendship. If Covid 19 had not happened, would you be doing that thing right now.....or....and be honest here, is there a deeper underlying obstacle/block/limiting belief stopping you, with Covid 19 being a convenient excuse not to have to do it?
And now do the same for the wider picture, the macro view on this. What is Covid 19 stopping us doing as a collective. How is it hindering humanity? Now take a look at where it might be in fact making us grow in ways, albeit uncomfortable ways, towards a better world? Is it showing us systems that no longer work? Is it showing us that what many of us have been conditioned to value, is in fact an illusion? Is it bringing us more together through the paradox of social isolation?
It is my belief that obstacles are in fact the way forward. They present us with an opportunity for growth and for overcoming subconscious blocks that we were previously unaware of. Yes, this situation is keeping many of us locked within the four walls of our homes. It is also giving us a huge opportunity for deep self-inquiry and reflection. And with this might come small realisations, but also there might come big glaring realisations that are uncomfortable in this moment. But awareness of them will help you move forward to a better and more authentic life.
Perhaps you realise you have been working in a job that really doesn't call to your soul. Or you might be finding yourself quarantined with somebody that you are now realising you would rather not be with? Or you might have the realisation that the person you are quarantined with is wonderful and you want to nourish and grow that relationship. Or somebody that you are separated from means much more to you than you ever knew? Perhaps you are not the person you thought you were? Perhaps old identities are shifting? Allow these things to surface. There is no need to act on them right now. Just bring awareness. There is no need to fix anything right now. The energy of this whole experience is yin....meaning the feminine quality (and that is not gender related...we all have yin and yang aspects to us). So yin energy invites us to be receptive. It invites us to sit in stillness and openness to what arises. Be open to the new reality trying to birth through you and through humanity and the planet. This is a time of embracing that feminine aspect of self. Sitting with your awareness with an open heart will give you time to process, time to receive insight and time to grieve what needs to be grieved and to heal what needs to be healed. You will know better what to do when the time comes again for doing.
The Card for Session Three from Alana Fairchild's Rumi Deck
Above you will find a meditation on overcoming obstacles based on this piece that I created called "Ascension of the Lotus" At the end of the page, is a meditation made for our group to connect over space and time, joining together our heart energy. I hope that you find them both healing and connecting.
It's been lovely to witness you sharing, connecting and supporting each other on our private Facebook group. It warms my heart! If you haven't already joined the group, you can do so by clicking the button at the end of this page.
A Recap on Materials
The materials you will need for these sessions are probably lying around your home. Please don't venture out specifically to get materials! You might pick some up during your next necessary grocery shop. You can use markers or gel pens. If you don't have those, you can use pencils, even biros! Even if you only have one coloured biro, use that and play with the tones, with the dark and light to complete the mandala.
How the sessions work
Print out the Mandala as an A4 page and if you have a printer that can print it out as A3, all the better. If you can already draw mandalas, draw one from scratch for yourself, using this session as your prompt. If you aren't familiar with how to create a personal mandala, then please use the colouring PDF provided below.
Set your Sacred Space
Set up a sacred and quiet space for yourself where you will engage with the mandala. You can do this simply by lighting a candle or burning some incense. Perhaps gather crystals or objects from nature that have meaning for you. But please do set aside a special space and time with intention to do this work. Treat this time for yourself as a loving inward time dedicated solely to you.
Session Four:
The Lotus Rising: Overcoming Obstacles
When I create or look at mandalas, they have taught and continue to teach me so much. They help me overcome the struggles and strains of everyday life and provide a deeper look into what is going on. How I might rise above a particular struggle? I have also come to better understand which of my struggles were real and which were perceived struggles; excuses that I used to stop me from doing something that I was in fact, for various reasons, both known and unknown (subsconscious), unwilling or scared to do.
Whilst creating the mandala above, there was a strong feeling of moving in very close and out very far. Some parts remind me of outer space, the universe afar. And then other parts took me deep into the microscopic world. As though looking at plants or cells under a microscope. There was an overwhelming sense of all of things being intricately and fundamentally connected. An understanding that the energy of both the microcosm and the macrocosm is in fact one. The energy of looking deeply within the self and the energy of looking from above at the overall macro situation.
The central piece of the mandala is reminiscent of a Lotus flower blooming. One of the most interesting symbolic aspects of this plant is how it comes to life. Typically the lotus (often known as the water lily) is born from deep murk and mire. From the darkest mucky muddy waters, this brilliant blossom emerges, as the quote above so beautifully puts it. It is the metaphor for life as we know it. My own journey began in the murky depths of a divorce and life throwing a particularly sharp curve-ball which left me reeling. But moving through that muddy situation gave me so much, it allowed me to grow and to further move into my personal truth. And now, here we are together in a collective murky depth that has thrown may of us a curve ball.
Things happen in all of our lives, both good a bad. We often struggle when a perceived bad thing happens. It is what we make of that situation that counts. We have two choices. We can crawl under our misery, never lifting our heads to the light that beckons us. That is option one. Or there is option two; we can be like the lotus. We can make the best of a bad situation and work through it, rise above and grow through it. Lotus flower meanings are all about aspiring to express, to live, to share beauty. To move through the darkness and murk and out into the light. Are you willing?
The Practice
In this mandala practice, I'd like you to take a deep look at what this current situation means to you in terms of an obstacle in your life? What do you think it is stopping you from doing, creating, being? Write out a list of all the things you believe it to be stopping you from doing or being.
Now, with honesty, go back through that list take a look at the reality of that. Is it true for everything you have written that you are being blocked by this current external situation?
Yes, it might be stopping you doing certain immediate external things for sure, but look more deeply at your list. For example, you have been wanting to, up more in your business....or create beautiful art work...or work on nourishing a particular relationship or friendship. If Covid 19 had not happened, would you be doing that thing right now.....or....and be honest here, is there a deeper underlying obstacle/block/limiting belief stopping you, with Covid 19 being a convenient excuse not to have to do it?
And now do the same for the wider picture, the macro view on this. What is Covid 19 stopping us doing as a collective. How is it hindering humanity? Now take a look at where it might be in fact making us grow in ways, albeit uncomfortable ways, towards a better world? Is it showing us systems that no longer work? Is it showing us that what many of us have been conditioned to value, is in fact an illusion? Is it bringing us more together through the paradox of social isolation?
It is my belief that obstacles are in fact the way forward. They present us with an opportunity for growth and for overcoming subconscious blocks that we were previously unaware of. Yes, this situation is keeping many of us locked within the four walls of our homes. It is also giving us a huge opportunity for deep self-inquiry and reflection. And with this might come small realisations, but also there might come big glaring realisations that are uncomfortable in this moment. But awareness of them will help you move forward to a better and more authentic life.
Perhaps you realise you have been working in a job that really doesn't call to your soul. Or you might be finding yourself quarantined with somebody that you are now realising you would rather not be with? Or you might have the realisation that the person you are quarantined with is wonderful and you want to nourish and grow that relationship. Or somebody that you are separated from means much more to you than you ever knew? Perhaps you are not the person you thought you were? Perhaps old identities are shifting? Allow these things to surface. There is no need to act on them right now. Just bring awareness. There is no need to fix anything right now. The energy of this whole experience is yin....meaning the feminine quality (and that is not gender related...we all have yin and yang aspects to us). So yin energy invites us to be receptive. It invites us to sit in stillness and openness to what arises. Be open to the new reality trying to birth through you and through humanity and the planet. This is a time of embracing that feminine aspect of self. Sitting with your awareness with an open heart will give you time to process, time to receive insight and time to grieve what needs to be grieved and to heal what needs to be healed. You will know better what to do when the time comes again for doing.
The Card for Session Three from Alana Fairchild's Rumi Deck
The card is 'Beyond Death, Life' and the quote is:
"Footprints lead to the shore of the sea!
Beyond that point,
no trace remains."
What a perfect card.
"So here you are, an old soul at the edge of something you have known; at the cusp of an ending and a beginning. Perhaps you are already in surrender and falling in, or perhaps you are fearful and resisting as you greet your unknown destiny. Yet this moment is happening because your own divine soul has chosen for it to be this way, so that love may grow. There is no punishment in this ending, nor is there anything to fear. There may be pain; there may be grief and loss. There may be uncertainty and even insecurity. Yet you have a heart big enough to bear such growing pains. Your heart is even big enough to receive the joy that is lying in wait for you as you stumble across her in the course of your clumsy, inspired travails into new life."
In creating this mandala, look on the obstacles, the truths, the old ways that are crumbling and gaze upon the new life that is calling to you with greater opportunity for you to shine your beauty into the world. Focus on what is becoming, whilst honouring what is no longer to be.
When you feel you have completed your mandala, close your eyes and sit in stillness. Notice how you are feeling in your body. Do you feel more expansive?
When you feel your mandala is complete, please do share the image and your experience with the practice in our closed private Facebook Group which is a safe space in which to do this work. Feel free to do a video into the group if you'd like to. It is beautiful to bear witness to each other, to stand together in our collective experience. It is a joy to watch you support and witness each other. There is no need to try to fix anybody, just witness them on their journey. The link to join the group is below.
Now with your completed mandala:
Be still. Notice how you are feeling.
Notice how you are feeling in your body.
Notice how you are feeling in your mind.
Notice how you are feeling in your heart.
Notice how you are feeling in your spirit.
Your Completed Mandala - Keep or Destroy?
When completed, you can either keep your mandala somewhere where you can see it. Allow it to give you further insight. You might perhaps meditate on it. Often they deliver you wisdom as you walk by them, glancing at them as you are going about something different!
Alternatively, if you feel to - and you know best - you can create a ritual, releasing the energy of what came up for you by burning your mandala. Please do this in a safe way either in your fireplace or stove or outside in a safe place. Burn the mandala with the intention of letting this energy go, of transmuting it to a higher power. Allow yourself to release any further emotions that might surface during this process.
So....that is it for session four! Again I will say that it is brave work you are doing, and you are courageous for showing up to do it. Honour yourself for taking the time to do it. Do something nice for yourself like taking a candlelit bubble bath or cooking yourself and your family your favourite meal.
Thank you to everyone who has donated. It really is helping at the moment and I appreciate it. Suggested donations are €20, €40 or €60.
The Mandala painting above is called 'Ascension of the Lotus'. A great piece to meditate on as a part of this session.
Limited edition prints are available below.
Lotus Rising - Overcoming Obstacles.pdf | |
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Suggested Donations: €20, €40 or €60
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